Wpe Pro Download 2016

Download Winsock Packet Editor (WPE) Pro 0.9a Note: this download keeps getting classed as a false positive, so we have had to upload it else where to stop Digiex. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.

ProWpe Pro Download 2016

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Jul 01, 2016  Winsock Packet Editor (WPE) Pro is a packet sniffing/editing tool that allows the modification of data at TCP level. Using WPE Pro one can select a running process from the memory and modify the data sent by it before it reaches the destination.

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Wpe Pro Download 2016

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Wpe Pro Download 2016

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Wpe Pro Free Download 2016

Free Download Wpe Pro 0.9a


How To Hack MMORPG games 'Online games' Using WPE

Learn how to hack online games with one tool

Here is a tutorial for WPE:
when you start recording a program, you will record what it sends to the server.
so when you say 'hi' on a chat
it will send a packet to the server with the message 'hi' in it
there is a big chance u will find something like this
000000: 6d 73 67 00 68 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 msg.hi..........
this means,
the 6d 73 67 00 68 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 is the hex
and the msg.hi.......... is the ASCII
so this
6d 73 67 00 68 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 <in hex
means this
pretty simple right ^^
so that means
6d 73 67 00 68 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
see, the msg part in ascii
is 6d 73 67
and the hi part in ascii
is 68 69
so that is what the chat sends to the server
msg means its a message
hi is what the message is
wpe is used for editing this information
so when you try to filter something.
what it does is simple.
when you type 6d 73 67 in search
and 00 00 00 in modify
the packet will be modified into
there are also several ascii into hex translators
so if you want to change something in a packet its really easy.
So now we are done on learning what WPE ACTUALLY DOES! Its time for us to understand how to use it.
WPE Pro Tutorial
We'llbe using a game called Vagabond's Quest 2. There are a few reasons whythis game was picked. Firstly, it's beta. That means it's still underdevelopment and there are likely to be bugs. More than likely, thegame's security is on the low-end and probably won't catch on to packeteditors yet. Secondly, it's a simple, clean client. There's not a lotof data transfer at all. This makes it easy to sniff and watch packets.The game code is very simple and after you see the packets you'll knowwhat I mean.
1] Run wpe
Start up wpe and make sure your screen looks something like mine.
2] Run your target program
In this case, run vagabond's quest 2 beta. I'll refer to this as vq2 from now on.
3] Specify your target program
In wpe, hit the <target program> button. Find vq2 from the list, select it, hit open.
4] Start logging [sniffing]
let'sget to sniffin. hit the triangular button that says 'start logging'when you roll your mouse over it. notice the packet meter. each time apacket is sent or received, the number will increment by 1.
5] send a message or watch closely
quicklysend a message or watch what happens in the game closely. recognizewhen text is sent, when an action is sent, etc. everything you see ismost likely delivered in the form of a packet, which you will belooking at in a second. i would recommend typing in something like 'hi.'
6] open wpe back up and stop logging
at this point you have all the information you need. hit the 'stop logging' button.
7] look at the packets
Forthis example, i have several packets. the function tells you whetherthe packet was received [recv] or sent [send]. the packets you receiveare almost irrelevant, they only show you the data the server sent you.you can't do a whole lot with this. a packet editor cannot edit packetssent to your computer, only packets you send to the server. so look atthe packets with the tag 'send.'
my packet sent is 20 hi.. the20 is the command to send text. hi is what you sent. the two periods inmost cases signal that the packet has ended. you can figure out otherpacket sends and their commands by experimenting further. go back andenable logging while you click some buttons or just send more text.you're only going to figure this out by trying for yourself.
thesource is where the packet comes from, it's followed by the port. my ipaddress is sent with packets i send, with a port that has been openedfor access to this game. the destination is where i am sending mypacket, or the server's ip address. it also uses a port. size indicateshow big the packet is obviously, but the packet itself looks like howit appears in the source and destination. the function column hasconverted the packet code into text you can understand...
lookagain at the packet i sent. 32 30 20 68 69 0D 0A. 32 and 30 areintegers [32 = 2, 30 = 0]. together they send the command 20 to theserver, which could only be the command to send a message to everyonein the chatroom. any number that starts with a 3 is followed by it'sintegral value after it [30 = 0, 31 = 1, 32 = 2, etc]. the 20represents a space, followed by 68 and 69. each of these represents aletter [68 = h, 69 = i .. notice the pattern]. 0D 0A will signal theend of the packet, also notice this is on every other packet too.
what would happen if you sent the following packet: 32 30 20 68 69 20 68 69 0D 0A
breakit down: you got 32 30 (20). that triggers a text-to-everyone type offunction on the server to process. it realizes that you want to saysomething, now it decides what. 68 69 will print 'hi.' 20 is a space,and you just repeated the code twice, so the output would be: 'hi hihi.' quite annoying, i woudln't recommend sending a packet like this.but how do you send the packet?
8] go back to wpe to send your first packet
notconvinced that packet editors are cool? let's send your first packet tothe server, with no interaction at all with the game client. justsimple packets of data. maybe this will help you understand how mostonline applications/games work. in wpe, click on the <send> tab[it's on the actions console]. this is where wpe pro really shines. itwill do all the dirty work of copying the packet and sending it for youwith all the needed data automatically collected. in older versions,this became a long process that required some patience. first of all,right click on the packet of data you want to send to the server, suchas the text that said 'hi.' move down to select either 'send.' if youhit send, go back to your game and you will see that text appeared onthe screen that you didn't even type. you didn't believe me did you?
whatjust happened? you just sent a packet of data, identical to the one youjust sent previously. the only difference: the code was carried out inthe game by a simple command button. by sending the packet, you sentthe same message, but without pushing any buttons. it's just the same,and hard to grasp at first, but it all comes down to data. whatever yousend will get processed. the game may put restrictions on you in theclient [such as having to wait a second before entering another line oftext]. these are where packet editors become very handy, because you'reno longer going through the restrictions of the client. you have directaccess to the packets and the rate at which they are sent, or what iscontained in them. from here, you can use wpe to have packets sent at aconstant, automated rate [i would not recommend this for makingflooders, it's not really that impressive and it will probably resultin your account being banned if the game uses moderators, and vq2 does].
9] adding packets to your send list
ifyou want to send a chain of packets at once, or you just want to beable to store them, save them, and manipulate them in an organizedfashion, you should know how to send them to the packet list. rightclick on any packet sent [i.e. 'hi'] and move down to 'add to sendlist.' this will place that particular packet into a list. double clickon the packet to edit the data inside of it. be careful not to adjustthe size unless you are adding on to the packet and remembering toinclude the 0D 0A statements at the end. you must check the box next tothe packet before sending it, but once you are ready to send, justclick the play button. whichever packets have a checkmark will sendsimultaneously.
* troubleshooting: in the event that your packets don't send, you need to do one of the following:
goto the original sent packet and right click on it. move down to 'setsend list with this socket id.' sometimes the socket id will change,and if it doesn't match, your packets won't send.
most of thetime it should be fine if you maintain a connection with the server,but if you for some reason lose the connection, or close the program,etc. then you need to adjust that socket id. if you find that doesn'twork, re-log some packets that you send [repeat step 5-6] and trysending that socket id to the list.
if your sends don't work atthis point you are doing something wrong [such as you forgot to choosethe target program, if it happened to close]. re-select your program asthe target program.
10] packet filtering
Thefinal thing i'll show you is packet filtering. A filter will look for apacket being sent [not received] and it will change it to somethingelse. i have not found a use for this except for maybe setting up ascript or something. say you want to type 'message' in the game andinstead of that appearing, you want the text 'hello how are you?' thisis quite easy to setup. try to get around in wpe doing the following:
go to the <filters> tab. double click filter 1 to open it up and configure it.
undermode: select <advance>. because packets you modify in normal modemust be the same length as the packet sent, this can cause you lots ofgrief [thanks to realmhog for pointing this out to me in an earlierversion of wpe]. just trust me when saying advanced mode is better, andyou are less prone to find problems with this mode.
enter thesame data in the search column as the packet you sent. if you add thepacket to your list and open it up, you can select the packet and copyit. this becomes useful for long packets of data. in the example weused to send the text 'hi' to the server, the code was: 32 30 20 68 690D 0A. enter that in the search column. next enter in the modifycolumn: 32 30 20 68 69 20 68 69 0D 0A.
The above will search [orfilter] any packets that match 32 30 20 68 69 0D 0A and convert it to32 30 20 68 69 20 68 69 0D 0A. before anything else, make sure youselect the checkmark next to the 'filter 1.' hit the enable 'enablefilter' button. this is important to turn your filter on and off, sodon't forget to do this or your filter won't even activate. finally,type 'hi' in the game now. notice something odd? you will notice thatwhat shows up is not exactly what you typed. this is because beforeyour packet was sent to the server, it was modified.
There are afew other options included in packet filtering, but it's pretty simplereally. the biggest challenge for you is finding a use for filteringthe packets. the whole point is to modify an outgoing packet. most ofthe other options on the filter dialog i have never used. I have usedthe <block> function before which will simply block the packetfrom ever being sent to the server. some of the packet formats maydiffer, such as the difference between winsock 1.1 and 2.
*note:Sometimes in VQ2 when packet filtering, you need to type something elseto see the filter. For example: If you just type 'hi', the server maysend nothing back, but your packet was filtered. You can send a blankmessage the second time.
Understanding packet filters
If youreally want to understand more, just take the tutorial i wrote and useit to help give you a general understanding of packets. I won't spoonfeed you all the how-to's and information, go figure it out. Seriously,play with the packet editor and see what happens. You're never going tolearn anything unless you go and try to actually figure it out.
Finalnote: Be careful when using packet editors. Some games don't allow themanipulation of packets, and if they detect it they will ban you.Remember that this tutorial was written for educational purposes onlyand no responsibility is taken for how you use the programs or any ofthe WPE tutorials.